鑒於近日交通意外頻密, 及為促進道路安全,香港汽車高級駕駛協會與加德士將聯合舉辦一個「駕駛工作坊」.
As more services are expected of property managers, the demand for new talented recruits. As you know, traditional property management services are relatively straightforward, focusing on the tenancy and the maintenance of a building. However, with higher standards being set down by the government and owners' corporations, there has recently been an increase in the range of valued-added services being offered by many property management companies..
金融海嘯,經濟低迷 『自我增值』最佳時機!!! 保安及物業管理課程.
HKUST IAS Distinguished Speakers Series: "Climate Change and Air Pollution" "Atmospheric Organic Aerosols" "Science and Policies for Climate Change".
In collaboration with Middlesex University, Li Ka Shing Institute of Professional and Continuing Education, the Open University of Hong Kong has launched the 2-year part-time top-up programme..
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